A great read for the youth group leader.
Throughout history, very few people challenge the norms of society. Whenever someone does, they stand out. Few though they may be, there are shining examples through history of men and women who threw down the gauntlet to their generations. Moses confronted Pharaoh. Gideon provoked the followers of Baal. Paul faced down the Pharisees. We can look to Esther, Lincoln, Mandela, Paine, Schindler, Luther, and Christ Himself for inspiration. The world is shaped, and has always been shaped, by individuals. There is a stirring in the youth of this nation. There are those who are ready to embrace a cause even if it compels them to live counter to their culture. These twelve, and fourteen, and seventeen year old potential dissidents are just waiting on a leader who will articulate the vision to be countercultural. You are that leader.
Author: Aaron Arrowood
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